What We Do
You understand your business needs better than anyone. We know how to create valuable Salesforce solutions. Working together, we blend insights into your company with our development experience to design the right solution for your business.
Partnering with your stakeholders, we clarify your business expectations, objectives, and needs. We develop a deep understanding of your business challenges, how your team will use the solution, and your technology platform.
Pitfalls abound in software development. Blendery partners with you to avoid common development pitfalls, saving you time, money, and sanity.
Are you facing any of these development pitfalls? Click on the icon and see how Blendery bridges the gap for your company’s development needs.
- Disappointing solution
- Users frustrated with solution
- Solution fails to meet expectations
- Carefully define scope
- Clarify expectations
- Identify constraints (time, money, talent)
- Reconcile expectations with constraints
- Develop a plan to meet expectations
- Focus on a solution without fully defining or understanding the problem
- Solution only relieves pain points and superficial needs
- New challenges require additional development, costing time and money
- Focus on discovery before design
- Determine what’s genuinely needed
- Fully cover requirements
- Clarify expectations
- Business stakeholders
- want to design a solution
- don’t understand technical opportunities or constraints
- Technical stakeholders
- don't recognize business needs
- don’t know enough business questions to cover requirements
- Coach business stakeholders to stay in the problem space
- Coach technical stakeholders to appreciate business values
- Develop glossary, so everyone uses the same language
- Stakeholders distracted by daily demands
- Difficulty engaging business stakeholders to determine solution requirements
- Technical stakeholders focused on technology
- Show business stakeholders value of investing in discovery and design
- Coach technical stakeholders to develop curiosity about business
- Unable to justify a full-time business analyst or architect
- Overloaded technical person attempts to fulfill role(s)
- Provide business analyst or architect talent on demand
- Educate existing staff